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Published: 29-Oct-12
Effective Home Remedy For Ear Infections
Before I begin writing about home remedies for ear infections I just want to say that these remedies are to assist with pain relief associated with ear infections. These home remedies should in now way substitute proper medical treatment if it is required. If the pain of ear infection is very severe and does not seem to be subsiding then you need to get a proper diagnosis and medical treatment.

Home remedies are very effective for relieving pressure and pain associated with ear infections. If the infection is mild then home remedies may be all that you need to treat the infection with. These are some of the remedies for ear infections that you can use at home.

Our first home remedy is one that you should have the ingredients for in your kitchen. You will need some onion, garlic and olive oil. Onions and garlic both have very good natural healing agents and can assist with killing bacterial. First you need to cook the onion and garlic in some olive oil, just cook over a low heat. When the ingredients have reduced you then need to strain them so you are just left with the liquid oil, then pour this oil into a clean container. Then apply just a few drops of the onion, garlic oil into the problem ear. This remedy is one of the best for ear infections and works really well.

Another remedy from the kitchen simply uses some lemon juice. Just apply a few drops of undiluted lemon juice into the sore ear and the acidity in the juice neutralizes and kills the bacteria. This is also a very effective remedy for ear infections.

White vinegar is another remedy straight from the kitchen that works well. You will need a mixture of 50% white vinegar and 50% water. Apply four or five drops into the infected ear a few times a day and you will soon see results.

Hydrogen peroxide is our next remedy which is often used on a grazed knee to kill any germs that might occur. Although this is a common use for Hydrogen peroxide but most people don't realize that you can also use it for ear infections. Because this has bubbles, it not only kills germs but it also loosens any blockage and helps clear the ear.

Our next remedy is one that will help to relieve the pain of ear infection. Using a warm compress against the sore ear can help ease the pain. You can use a wheat bag heated up or if you don't have a wheat bag you can put some rice into a sock, tie the top so the rice can't spill out and heat it in the microwave for about a minute.

When using home remedies for ear infections just remember that the ear is quite a sensitive part of the body so you don't want to use anything that will irritate the skin. Bleach and other chemicals are a bad choice so stick to more natural products. You also don't want to go sticking anything into the ear to try and remove blockage as this would be quite painful and could cause damage to the ear.

The remedies mentioned in this article are ones that have been used for years and have proven to be quite effective. What works for one person might not work for another though so if one remedy doesn't work then try another. Remember, if the pain persists to consult your doctor.

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